[Ivan Press] [christ... DSL no bueno.]
[Carter Roth] It takes a few minutes, but Carter eventually wanders back into the living room from the kitchen, his glass now full to the brim with the amber liquid that constituted whiskey in this household. He glanced from one Garou to the next, his gaze lingering curiously upon Melody as he returned to his seat and eased into it with a tired sigh.
"I miss anything exciting since I went looking for the good stuff?" He asks as he looked from one to the other.
[Sarita Ecos de la Risa] She nods a little bit. "Yeah? S'good to know. I don't know Bronwyn--I think she's another new arrival--but I've met Nathalie once or twice and Stefan's my sister's mate. I'm sure you'll get the chance to meet her."
She smiles slightly. "It's an interesting pack make-up. A lot of times those work for the best." She speaks from experience. About the last Tribes she every expected to be packed alongside are the Shadow Lords and Silver Fangs and...well.
[Sarita Ecos de la Risa] [[Okay, apologies, the submit puttong was being a bitch.]]
[Melody Drake] A small shake of her head, and a smile to Carter- no, he didn't miss much.
"It is different than I expected, what little I knew of packs to be fair, but I think the dynamic works well," she agrees with a small nod. "And I do hope to meet your sister soon, after all I've heard."
[Sarita Ecos de la Risa] "Oh?" She can't help but grin at that. 'After all I've heard' can go many different directions when dealing with her sister. "What have you heard?"
She looks over at Carter and nods to him as he returns.
[Melody Drake] The makes her arch an eyebrow, amusement on her face. "I've heard of her work with the kinfolk alliance, Stefan seems very proud of her, and Nathalie seemed to like the idea and actions as well."
[Ivan Press] Presently, Lucille returns with a new guest in tow. Mr. Ivan Press, she announces, a strictly no-nonsense, no-frills introduction. Hear to see Ms. Sarita de la Risa. Of all the packmate and its associates, Lucille might be the only one to give the liquid beauty of that last name justice. She seems to like dropping the 'Ecos', though. Maybe she thinks it fits better: Sarita of the Laughter, simply.
Lucille goes off to do Lucille-type things, then, leaving Ivan standing in the Loft, looking at its occupants with as much interest as they might show in the newcomer himself. That he is of Katherine's tribe is unmistakable; even if the breeding didn't give it away, the effortless grace of his posture and stance does. That, and the scent of money that all but wafts from him.
"I'm not interrupting, am I?" It's more practiced courtesy than genuine worry.
[Ivan Press] [HERE to see. my god.]
[Carter Roth] They both nodded, or shook their head, either way they let him know simply that Carter had not missed a damn thing, not all that surprising, he hadn't been gone that long.
He took another drink from his glass and seemed pleased with the make of his whiskey. But then the alliance was spoken of again, it is something that has been on his mind since he had been incarcerated here, something that he had not been able to partake in at all.
"Not everyone seems quite so thrilled." He said roughly.
But then there was another Garou, someone named Ivan Press, Lucille just let everyone in didn't she? Carter regarded the man blue green eyes narrowing slightly, not out of curiosity this time, more warriness then anything.
[Sarita Ecos de la Risa] She nods at Melody's response. Inwardly she's thinking oh good, none of the insane stuff, but outwardly it's just acknowledgment. "Yeah...she's definitely got some good ideas going with that."
Then she looks over at Ivan, smiling as he sees him come in. She stands up, thanking Lucille, and looking the man over. "Ivan, m'man. Good to see you. No, you're not interrupting. How are you?"
[Melody Drake] Melody arches an eyebrow, turning to look at Carter as if to ask 'Why not?', the question on the tip of her tongue. However, the introduction of Ivan causes her to stay her words instead; business to be discussed later perhaps.
Placing her drink on the table, she folds her hands quietly in her lap and watches, a faint smile on her lips and her expression pleasant. Sarita seems to know the new guest and she quietly watches them interact, trying to decide if this is her cue to leave.
[Ivan Press] What can be said of Ivan, except that he is tall, golden, lean, privileged - a new-millennium sort of Fang?
Well; plenty, to be truthful. Depends on how much they've heard, how much each of them are plugged into the rumormill. The Presses are fabulously wealthy -- the sort of wealth that's accumulated past a critical point where it compounds on itself, becomes almost impossible to entirely lose. An empire of commerce rather than land, there are those amongst the old guard Fangs who mutter that these flashy Russians, who disguise their heritage behind a much more Fortune 500-friendly last name, have utterly forgotten what it is to be a Silver Fang. They mate with Glass Walkers now; they even dally with Shadow Lords. Sold their pride out for money and human influence. How despicable.
And then there are the rumors that surround Mr. Ivan Press himself. Popular on the club circuit; something closer to notorious in high society. Known for dropping tens of thousands of dollars on impromptu parties at various swanky locales around town. Never did a day's work in his life; spends his family's money like it grows on a tree, or falls from the sky -- which for him may as well be true. Frequently seen with models and dancers and aspiring starlets on his arm, though some vestigial shred of modesty -- or just pragmatism, or perhaps threats of getting his allowance cut off by mom and dad -- keeps him from getting too far into the celebrity spotlight.
Not known for fidelity. Or faithfulness. Or any sort of commitment whatsoever. Can't even bear to be in a steady pack for long. Is tagging along with some Shadow Lord pack. What sort of Silver Fang, what sort of wolf...
This is the creature that smoothly shakes Sarita's hand. "Doing rather well, thank you," he replies. "My congratulations on the Eldership."
He turns his eyes toward the others, both Shadow Lords. "Ah, the dreaded and esteemed 'enemy'," he quips. "Never fear, I've a cousin twice removed who's a Shadow Lord. Ivan Resplendent-Dusk, by the way. Ragabash Cliath of Falcon."
[Mad Maddox] He's been here before. Presumably, Maddox was given some sort of key. It's also entirely possible that he used said key to get into the beautifully renovated loft. It's also just as likely (if not moreso) that he didn't. However the mangy Fianna got inside, he makes his way down from the upstairs, tall and gangly and passingly attractive. There's a cigarette tucked behind his ear, dressed in jeans, a yellow t-shirt that emphasizes just how thin he is. Like a beanpole, or a scarecrow, especially today with his dark hair askew. His feet are bare.
He comes shuffling down the stairs, stops at the bottom just in time for Ivan's introduction, and smirks.
"Really, that's it? I thought your lot had intros so long they could wrap around the world thrice."
[Melody Drake] More new people. There is a glance back at the new voice, but her attention is on Ivan; introductions are at hand.
"An example of keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" She asks, though the lilt of her voice at the smile shows it is meant in jest and she holds no animosity. A nod is given at his introduction and she replies, "Melody Drake, also known as Sweet Whispers, Cliath Ragabash and child of Thunder. A pleasure to meet you."
[Carter Roth] Carter does much like melody. He falls silent and watches, watches the Silver fang as he introduces himself, this guy was as slick as oil on a sea otter, how knows the guys family might be in the oil buisness for all the money he reeked off.
The look Carter had was slightly unimpressed, sure he had money, sure he had connections but he looked...soft.
He nods to the man, he plays the civil game and even responds with his name. "Carter..." He says in his own gruff way before returning to his drink. Or he would have, when from behind them another Garou arrives, a long lean almost bean pole like fellow. Carter was now surrounded by Garou, from all sides, and their combined rage made his skin crawl.
The grip on his glass grew greater and his eyes slid shut for a moment as he tried to breath,, tried to stay in control.
[Sarita Ecos de la Risa] She chuckles a little bit and reaches out to take Ivan's hand. "Thanks. Nice to see you."
Ivan's entrance, he's expecting. Maddox just popping out of nowhere from the upstairs causes her to snap her head around. It's possible that she's one of the prospectives, and it's entirely possible that he's not. Sarita doesn't know one way or the other. The Strider gives the Fianna a long stare, looking him over.
"Uh, hi." The 'Uh' part doesn't seem to be a loss for words. Too much time passes between Sarita noticing him and the words for that to be the case.
[Ivan Press] "Actually," Ivan explains offhand, "no, an example of business over personal pursuits. Her family was the controlling shareholder in PNA Telecom, and we wanted to buy them out at below-market price. She got a nice purebred mate to make lovely blackhaired cubs with; we got the shares. Good deal for everyone, and besides, she's actually quite personable. Quite pleasant company at family retreats on the Black Sea. And Cousin Yuri's branch of the family always had an unfortunate tendency to turn into drooling idiots at age 40, anyway.
"And I," now he's answering Maddox, "always thought your lot was typically too drunk to notice the difference. At any rate, if I gave my full introduction, I'd have to explain all the other scandalous little crossings in my family tree."
[Mad Maddox] "Oh really?" he asks, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans and coming forward. It really is a bit of a shock for a stranger to show up right in the middle of what passes as close to a packhouse as the Unbroken have. There are things that could be assumed here, if the people chatting in the living room were the assuming type. Apparently, one of them is.
Maddox flicks his brows upward. "And what lot is that?" he asks, curious. There is no breeding that calls out to the Garou in the room, no features of some long-gone hero of old shining through Maddox's countenance. They can't even tell, at least not right away, that he's Garou. Except, of course, for the kinsman who actually knows.
[Melody Drake] There is a slight vibration from her purse and she glances down, pulling out the phone to see the number. Eyes narrow and for a moment that pleasant expression is blank. And then she's sliding the phone away and standing up, gaze moving to Sarita. "I'm sorry to leave so suddenly Sarita, there's something I need to take care of. It was an honor to meet you."
A glance at Carter, a faint smile. "You as well Mr. Roth. Resplendant-Dusk, I regret leaving so soon after our meeting, but it was still nice to meet you. I wish you all a good evening."
[Sarita Ecos de la Risa] She looks at Melody and smiles a bit. "No problem, Melody...we'll catch up more later. If you want to leave your number, I'll give you a call, or I can probably get it through Amy."
She looks back to Maddox and clears her throat, then speaks...slower, and louder. "UM. HI."
[Danicka Musil] [a/s/l?]
[Mad Maddox] [23/m/your pants?]
[Danicka Musil] [you are unhelpful and shall be summarily beheaded]
[Carter Roth] Carter watches as Melody gets up and states her intention of leaving. He nods to the woman before his eyes flicker to the others in the room before he speaks.
"It was good to meet you Melody....catch ya round." His gravelly voice follows her as she heads for the door. Carter for his part, wishes he could follow, there were to many garou for his tastes...or at least too many garou he barely knew.
[Melody Drake] [And I just lol'd. Nice.]
"Of course," she says, pausing to pull out a card and hand it to Sarita. "Thank you, again."
With that done, she gives another nod to those in the room and moves to head out the door, already reaching for her phone.
[Melody Drake] [And when you have the time, Melody has some questions for Lukas about kinfolk :) it's no rush and whenever is good for you]
to Ivan Press
[Ivan Press] "Pleasure to meet you," he says to Melody, stepping a little ways out of the way to allow her an unimpeded path to the door. Not that there's much impedance possible in a space as spare and open as the Loft.
"Think she's talking to you," he adds to Maddox helpfully.
[Ivan Press] [sure thing, just drop in if you see me!]
to Melody Drake
[Melody Drake] [Thanks much for the scene!]
[Mad Maddox] It's almost like a Mexican stand-off, excepting the noticeable lack of saloon, empty and dusty street, and ponchos. Maddox watches Ivan, Ivan pulls the Fang card and dismisses him to off pleasantries to the leaving Melody. All the while, Sarita tries to get Maddox's attention.
Sarita...Oh right!
The Theurge's attention snaps to the new Ragabash Elder, the Silver Fang forgotten. "Ah, my apologies," he says, stepping toward the Strider with outstretched hand, angling his body in a half-bow. "Maddox Cartwright, Where the Sidewalk Ends. Lukáš Wyrmbreaker showed me around the other night."
[Danicka Musil] Shortly after Melody departs the Loft, a car that's rarely seen there pulls up. She comes here more than she used to, but there has to be a reason. Usually, that reason is a swarthy black-haired Shadow Lord, all tall-dark-handsome, the sort of big bad Ahroun that the pretty blonde kinswomen usually swoon for,
But he isn't here. His name just came up but he's not here and yet there's his mate's slate-blue Infiniti coming to a stop. Then the mate herself stepping out of it, all sharp-toed stillettos and flare-legged gray slacks and a navy blue sweater with a low v-neck over a fluttery pink tank top with some floral embellishment that peeks out through that low v-neck and a crop-hemmed, crop-sleeved peacoat over it all because Chicago can't make up its damn mind, weatherwise. She's still here, Lukas or no Lukas, slinging her purse over her shoulder and walking right up to the door and smiling at Lucille when yet another person shows up.
"Hola, Lucille," she says to the maid, and: "Is Mr. Roth available?"
And soon enough, she's heading towards the living room, her heels clicking on those hard, shiny floors.
[Carter Roth] Melody was gone, which meant there was only one person that Carter had any real contact with, which left him edgy, which required him to control his breathing. Thankfully the new comers had largely ignored him, which at one point would have annoyed him. But hes trying to control that anger, trying to keep it just beneath the surface...it was turning out to be an interesting night.
Carter was considering his exit strategy, he was looking back towards his room, towards the upstairs, nope..that wouldn't work it was blocked, his only option was the pool and to pray to god he could beat them off with wet pool noodles.
But then the clack clack of high heeled shoes resounded through the loft, and through the voices of the Garou Carter could hear someone speak his name. This widened his eyes in surprise, at least until the person made themselves known.
As Danika stepped into the room Carter let out a low, inaudible snort and nodded to the woman. Not really happy to see her given their last meeting...but civil...for now.
[Danicka Musil] [per/emp: this is how we show our love]
Dice Rolled:[ 7 d10 ] 2, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10 (Success x 6 at target 6) Re-rolls: 1
[Danicka Musil] [...kbsdp.]
[Sarita Ecos de la Risa] "Ahh, right." She nods a little bit, the irritation and intense look that Maddox is getting dissipating. Somewhat, at least. A grin covers the rest of it, and she takes the hand. "Sarita Ecos de la Risa. Strider and Ragabash Elder. Lukas mentioned you. Just didn't mention you'd be coming from upstairs." A little quirk to the grin, and then she looks over as Danicka comes in. Lukas's mate gets a smile and nod.
"Hey, Danicka."
[Ivan Press] If Ivan had intended to answer Maddox's earlier question, it was derailed and derailed again. He's probably forgotten by now; turns as Lucille brings in yet another visitor.
"I'm just running into you all over the city these days," he says to Danicka. "Are you stalking me again?"
He invites himself to take a seat. Not quite next to anyone -- but close enough to Sarita to make conversation. Which is what he does next: "So, you mentioned you wanted to talk."
[Mad Maddox] He chuckles, shrugs a shoulder, but doesn't offer an explanation as to why he was coming from upstairs. Or where his shoes are, if he even had any to begin with. For the record he must have them somewhere, his feet are too clean for him to have been wandering around the city with bare feet. Or he made use of one of the bathrooms.
"I think it's far more likely that she's stalking me," answers Maddox, with a grin for Danicka. The wink he throws, however, is not for the lovely, prettily dressed Shadow Lord, but for Lucille. If she ignores it (and honestly, who would dignify that look with a reaction?), it doesn't phase him. Before Ivan can get to comfortable, Maddox turns his attention to Sarita once again.
"D'you mind if I raid the kitchen a bit?"
[Danicka Musil] Pausing in the entryway, Danicka looks directly at Carter first, and for an eyeblink -- a passing moment, a half-heartbeat -- she just looks at him. It's hard to tell; maybe she's getting some idea of whether he's about to go to bed or not, if he's in a pissy mood or not. He huffs like that and she raises an eyebrow, but by then she's already gotten what she needs to out of that glance. She looks to Ivan, Maddox, and Sarita, smiling at the last.
"Hi, Sarita." She glances at Maddox; Lukas mentioned him to Sarita, he's living at the Loft, but she hasn't been introduced. "My name is Dani&+269;ka Musil," she tells him, but that's all. "Mr. Press," she says flatly, a touch dryly, without looking at him, "I had a lovely glass of vodka at your penthouse once. Try not to ruin a memory of a decent evening with a Silver Fang by making it about your self-destructive flirtations."
To Carter, then: "Mr. Roth, would you take a walk with me? Around the block if there are no terms from Lukáš against it; around the pool if there are."
[Carter Roth] Danicka had taken a moment to watch Carter, a brief moment, but a moment none the less and Carter had met her gaze. But unlike her, he took little away from it other then his own irritation. He listened to the garou make nice with the kinswoman, and why wouldn't they? She was the mate of Wyrmbreaker, one of the most potent Garou in the Sept a princess with her prince.
The fact that she had asked for him had surprised him initially. When, having seen all the others in the room, it surprised him even more when the woman asked Carter to go for a walk with her. Suspicion flooded in at that moment but the Anti Kin did not immediately say no, instead he nodded slowly and pushed up from his seat and in one hefty gulp downed ever last drop of whiskey in his glass.
"I've gone for walks round the block and the spirits never got pissy before, lets get outta here. I need a smoke anyways." He moves then, moves towards her without looking back. Infact he almost, almost seemed relieved to be getting out of that living room.
[Sarita Ecos de la Risa] [[Guys, I'm sorry, Sarita finds a way to excuse herself for at least the next little bit. The scene's gotten too big for and I'm still stuck working, I can't keep track right now. Assume that Sarita says yes to Maddox raiding the fridge if he's living here and is about to answer Ivan, but then gets a phone call and has to step away to take it. I'll bring her back in when I can]]
[Danicka Musil] [Aww. Take it easy! Come back soon!]
[Ivan Press] [aw, no worries! i'm all tired and @_@ anyway *dies* i think i'ma switch Ivan for Lukas to hang out with mads, though!]
The discussion doesn't get too far -- Sarita gets a call, and Ivan glances at his watch. "I'd love to stay, but unfortunately I need to take care of some matters of my own. Maddox, it was interesting meeting you. Do me a favor and give this to Sarita when she's off the phone, will you?" He hands over a calling card - translucent plastic, very trendy. "Tell her to call me anytime.
"Goodnight, folks."
be like the deer.
6 years ago